Men’s Health Physiotherapy

Well balanced pelvic floor muscles are important for healthy bladder, bowel and sexual functions in men and people who identify as male. Many people are unaware that pelvic floor physiotherapy can be vital for managing urinary and fecal incontinence, erectile dysfunction, relieving pain, managing constipation, and improving sexual function.

Common Conditions.

Stress Incontinence - Urinary leakage with coughing, sneezing or when being active.

Urge Incontinence -Urinary leakage associated with a sudden urgent need to urinate.

Urgency - Having to go to the bathroom urgently without accidental loss of urine.

Overactive Bladder - Feeling of needing to go to the toilet urgently and frequently.

Fecal or Bowel Incontinence/ Frequency - Difficulty to control bowel movements, causing feces leakage from the rectum, and it can be an occasional leakage of the stool to a loss of bowel control.

Constipation - Less frequent and hard to pass stool.

Pudendal neuralgia

Pelvic post op care (ie. prostate surgery)


Levator ani syndrome

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy and muscle training helps restore the normal function of the pelvic floor, bowel, and bladder. Pelvic floor muscle training has been shown to improve urinary continence, post-void dribble and erectile function post prostate surgery.